Juli 2014 | For this project the Technic LEGO Space Shuttle from 1996, the Rebel Wrecker 8858 from 1994, the Crane 8421 from 2005 and the Rescue helicopter 8856 from 1991 has been modeled, textured, rigged and LEGO creations with VFX context in mind. Many parts have been measured with a caliper in order to make sure all parts fitted according to the LEGO construction system. After digitizing around 200 LEGO parts required to build the crane they could also be used to assemble a container from my own design (for which LEGO is perfect), that the crane could lift. Two completely rigged characters and rigging UIs are added for completeness of the presentation and the rigging exercise. This project has been conducted for educational and fan artwork purposes.

The space shuttle model has also been used in an interactive show-case application created in UE4. In this application you can show/ hide space shuttle parts and activate the engines/ functionality while in orbit. Press the download button below to download the application.


  1. Download the application by pressing the button above.
  2. Use Winzip or Winrar to open the .rar file.
  3. Open 'ProjectAwesome.exe' to start the application.
  4. Make sure no content in the other folders is relocated or removed to ensure the application keeps working.
Enter to continue splash screen
Right Mouse Button + Move mouse to rotate
Middle Mouse Button Scroll to zoom
Escape to exit application

Toggle landing gear
Toggle Landing gear
Activate Ignition
Activate Hangar Doors
Activate Crane
Rotate Crane
Deploy Satelite Crane
The game start with a cinematic showcasing the shuttle
Parts can be hidden

Space Shuttle

Below the Space Shuttle 8480 from 1996.

Rebel Wrecker

Below the Rebel Wrecker 8858 from 1994.

Press the play button below to look at the LEGO.

Rescue helicopter

Below the Rescue helicopter 8856 from 1991.

Mobile Crane

Below the Mobile Crane 8421 from 2005.